Monday, November 2, 2009

How to Post pictures Scrapbook Pages

I want to try to post some of my pictures and scrapbook pages to my Blog, but am a bit unsure on how to do that. If anyone out there ready my blog and know how to do this, could they please drop me a comment and let me know? What format do you need to save your scrapbook page as in order to be able to post it. Also, if you want someone to be able to download something that you make, how do you set it up on your blog to do that. If there is someone out there in Blog Land that could help me, it would be greatly appreciated to know how to do that.

I also want to know how to link other people's blog to mine with Blinkie's. I see that some people have a Blinkie that I can press and have me go directly to their site, or how can I create a blinkie so that someone could put it on their Blog and link my site to them.

Once again, if someone could help me out, it would be greatly appreciated. Even if you could tell me where to go to get this information, it would be helpful.

Thank you for anyone who can give me a hand.

It's Not the Swine Flu But...

I am very thankful that the family does not have the swine flu, however, we spent all day Sunday in bed. I think that this was the quietest day our family has ever had together!

On Halloween night Erik was not feeling the best. He fell asleep 10 minutes before we were suppose to walk out the door. I woke him up and dressed him (as a skateboarder) and we all went out the door. Victoria was a clown, her best friend Zoe was a "good" witch, Luke was a pirate, Erik was a skateboarder, and I dressed up as a witch (without my hat and makeup as I ran out of time!). We only made it out of the driveway before Erik started to complain that he did not want to go trick or treating. I forced him to go around the block and he complained so much that I gave my cell phone to the girls and let them go off by themselves. I finally gave in and sent Erik through the woods in our backyard neighbours (our house is in plain sight as we can see the back of each others houses clearly!) to go home. (I later found out that my husband thought it was a deer coming through the woods before he realized that it was just Erik!). Luke and I continued on throughout the neighbourhood. We were gone for about 2 hours in total. Luke never complained once. He was such a trooper! He is only 5 years old, but he is so tough. Erik was laying on the couch when we got home. he was happy enough with the candy he did get. Luke, Victoria and Zoe all got a lot of candy as well.

The next morning I was hoping that everyone would sleep in - especially with the time change. Little did I know that everyone was going to sleep a lot longer than I thought. I heard Victoria and Zoe up a bit earlier, but they always play nicely together, so I drifted back off to sleep. At some point during the night both Erik and Luke ended up in my bed, so I knew where they were. I could ear Luke was breathing hard (whenever he gets a cold it goes right to his chest), and Erik didn't move all night. Around 9:30 or 10:00 I got up, Erik followed and went straight to the coach. Luke came down a little while later to the other coach. Neither one of them wanted breakfast. Erik had a bit of a feaver, but Luke was just very tired. Erik spend the entire day on the coach and didn't move. All he had to eat all day was some pasta (he had an upset tummy as well and slept with a large bowl beside him just in case). In the afternoon, Andrew and Erik slept on the coach and Victoria, Luke and I went upstairs and slept in my bed (watching High School Musical for the upteenth time). The boys started to come around a bit by bedtime, but went to bed at their normal time (even though they slept all day!).

Monday Morning and all 3 of them wanted to stay home for the day. Go figure. I ended up keeping Erik home (as he had the runs since 4:oo this morning), Luke decided it would be better to go to school than to be forced to stay on the coach or in bed all day, and I gave Victoria a dose of Motrin and forced her out the door with her regular "I have a headache/bellyache/whatever ache" that will try to convince me she should not be in school. If she hadn't already used it so much I might have believed her, but, if you cry wolf too many times, you will end up going to school even if you are sick. I'm sure she will be fine once she gets with her friends.

Anyway, it wasn't a bad weekend, and it looks like everyone is on the mend. I hope that I don't get a phone call from the school to pick up someone...

Friday, October 23, 2009

No School - Inservice Day

What to do on an inservice day when you have 3 kids? I think that teachers do this to us on purpose. They spend 5 days a week with our wonderful children who behave like little angels in their presence. As soon as that bell rings, the hypnotic state they were in is broken and they turn back into those kids again. I love my children with all my heart, and I realize that they are what you make them, and every parent always says "I hope that you get kids just like you were when you were growing up", and like it or not, you do, but...

To top everything else off, today my husband decided that he would not go into work because he was not feeling well. Any woman who has ever had a significant "male" other knows full well, that when a man is sick, it is nothing like when a woman is sick. When we are sick, we are expected to retain all of our usual daily duties: clean the house, take care of the children, cook, get groceries, perform brain surgery, disarm small nuclear weapons, etc (lol). However, when a man is sick (no matter how sick he is or is not), the world must come to an end and must be catered to hand and foot - like it or not. There is never anyone on the planet more ill than he is. It is not possible that anyone could ever feel as badly as he did and that his symptoms are so much more severe than those of anyone else, etc. etc. etc.

After being away from home for a few days for our trip to New York, and then trying to catch up on my lack of sleep and loss of energy, I have been slightly behind in my housework (honestly, my bad, I know, but I was planning on catching up this weekend). Dear hubby decided that everything needed to be done TODAY! No if, ands or buts, and I was the only one who was responsible and that it needed to be perfect today. Lots of screaming and hollering, lots of work on my part, lots of laying down and resting on his... Seems fair right? I was never so happy in all my life to see someone go to sleep for the night.

this weekend should be a busy one:

  • At 10:00 mom and I have to go to my Grandmother's sisters memorial service (she passed away around Christmas last year and her family decided to bury her ashes this weekend. There will be a short service for immediate family only and then a small reception back at the family home after that.
  • At 10:00 until 12:00 Erik and Luke have Apple Day to participate in. They are both in Beavers this year. They are looking forward to standing around in their little uniforms and giving people apples for donations!
  • At some point on Saturday Andrew and his dad want to go up to their camp in Stewiacke and do some more work and throw some apples down for the deer to get ready for hunting season.

  • Of Course Sunday morning means Church. Andrew will take the kids for mass from 11:00 until 12:00. If they are good, he will likely take them to McDonalds. I know that he shouldn't bribe them, however, that is the way it seems to work out each week.
  • Again Erik and Luke are busy with Beavers. Each year a different "Area" hosts what is called a "Beavereen". They all go to a local park and participate in various "Centres". The have lots of fun and get a crest for their participation. They learn about being outdoors, outdoor safety, etc. Erik went last year, and although it was cold, he had a ball. They always end with warm hot chocolate and cookies for the boys. This event is going on from 12 (or 1:00 I'll have to check) until 4:00, weather permitting. I hope they have a good day for it, as there will not be many days left that will be warm enough to enjoy it. I think it is even late this year. I am sure that they had it earlier last year for some reason.
I will probably go in and visit with my mom and Grandmother on Sunday as the Beavereen is off Purcell's Cove Road (pretty far from us - about 45 minutes). It makes for a long day, but, you do what you have to for your kids. It is always a lot of fun, and it is worth it for them to go.

Then I have to make sure that all the kids get their homework done, and their home reading. Even Luke has homework and is expected to be starting to read. He is only in Grade Primary (Kindergarden), and is taking French Immersion, and yet they are expected to be able to start reading. I remember when I was in grade primary we just had to know our ABC's, tie our shoe, and away we went to Grade 1. Wow, what a change. I guess it is all for the better. Kids do seem smarter these days, and need to know a lot more than we did (too bad their spelling and grammar isn't as good, or the teachers don't spend as much time on it!)

anyway, got a busy day ahead, got to get going. Keep in touch later.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Back from the Big Apple

We arrived back home from New York at 4:00 am (that's in the morning) on Wednesday Morning after leaving at around 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday morning. We hit a bit of traffic on the Tapenzee Bridge and again in Boston, but the biggest hold up was Shopping in Maine! Surprisingly it was not me who wanted to shop, but my husband, Andrew.

I had a great time! I visited with my friends who always make me feel like family. Maryanne and I did a bit of shopping on Saturday (we drove through the night on Friday and arrived around 8:00 local time on Saturday), visited with Meredith, Christopher and her two children Brandon (age 2) and Devin (age 6 months). From there we went to see Michael and Jamie who made supper for us (gormet home made pizza, Brushut and salad). She is a wonderful Italian cook! Christine went shopping and visiting with us. It was nice that she was on vacation and could spend the time with me.

On Sunday we had planned to go into the city, but it was raining. We decided that we were not going to let a little bit of weather bother us and decided to try it anyway! It only rained for a short while, and then it wasn't too bad. We spent most of our time along Broadway, Times Square and Rockafeller Centre. It was so nice! New York City will never dissappoint me. We went to M&M World, Hershey World and a few other little shops along the way. I got a great deal on I Love NY t-shirts at the Marriott Hotel (only $5 for Fruit of the Looms - Great Quality). I bought other t's for $2 as well. I love the city, but it makes me appreciate where I live so much more! Sunday night we went to Ellen's house for supper. Homemade spagetti and meat balls. We watched the end of the football game on tv. We did not see Andrew on the jumbo Tron (as he and his friends were at the Jets vs. Buffalo game), and the Jets ended up losing - too bad. At least they had fun at the game and had a once in a lifetime chance to go to a NFL Game.

On Monday Maryanne and I went out and did a bit more shopping (I am close to getting some of my Christmas shopping finished! yeah for me!). For supper Ellen and Pete (and their 3 kids), and Michael and Jamie came over for Chinese Food. Christine came over after work to say good bye, but by then it was around 9 or 10 and I was getting tired. Although I slept good while I was there, I was so busy that I know I didn't get my proper rest.

Andrew arrived around 6 the next morning to pick me up, and we were on our way. For the first time ever, I did not cry while saying good bye to my New York family. I always miss them so much. It seems like we never get to spend much time together, and there is so much time between visits, however, whenever we get together it is like we were never apart and pick up from where we left off.

Ellen's kids are so much like my own. She has an older girl and two sons, like myself, and the oldest and youngest are close in age. Her 3 and my 3 all have the same interests. it is like they were all poured from the same mould and then the mould was thrown away! It puts a smile on my face every time I see them and watch the way they act.

All in all I had a great trip, and can't wait until the next time we can get together!

Until next time - Toodles!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Looking forward to our Trip

According to the kids, we have only got 3 more sleeps to go (including tonight) before we leave on our trip to New York. I haven't seen my friends for a couple of years, and Meredith has had 2 babies since the last time we were there. Andrew is looking forward to going to his first NFL game ever! Go Jets! Not sure if he wants to go to the game or the Tailgate party before the game! We are leaving Friday after work for the 15 hour drive. We'll get there very early in the morning, but it's worth it! I'll be dropped off, and he'll continue with his friend John the extra 15 minutes to his cousin's house. What are the chances of having a co-worker that has a cousin who lives 15 minutes from my life-long childhood friends house! I'll post how we met at a later time. I'll post some photos once I'm back. Thank you to the grand parents who are taking care of the kids so we can go.